
Suburbitalia Ep. 7: Big Brother Bother

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By the way, Sakura,” Monika Beilschmidt said, lowering her mug of coffee from her lips, “you didn’t tell me how your date with Alfred went.” The girls sat together at a table in a popular coffee shop, shortly after Valentine’s day.

 “Oh, it was nice,” Sakura Honda replied, lighting up. “He took me to that new arcade, and we had a lot of fun. It was their opening night too, so they had a lot of specials and giveaways.”

 “Cool,” Monika said. “That sounds like it would have been really fun for you.” Sakura nodded enthusiastically, as their friend Alice Vargas walked into the store, carrying a small crate. She took a seat between her friends and opened the carry-out crate, revealing a few cannoli that were packed into it. “I don’t think you can eat those in here,” Monika said peering into the box.

 “Why not?” Alice asked, placing one alongside the pastries on each of her friends’ plates. “I’m drinking their coffee, aren’t I?” She turned to grab the extra cup of coffee that Monika had been holding for her, when her eyes caught sight of her dangly aqua earrings. “That’s new,” she said. “Where did you get those?”

 “Actually, Feliciano gave them to me,” Monika replied, smiling. She’d had her first date with Alice’s brother on Valentine’s day. “Do you think they’re too much for work?”

 “No way, they’re pretty!” Alice said, obviously pleased. “You should wear things like that more often. Where did he take you?”

 “We went out for dinner at a very nice Italian place,” Monika told them. “Afterwards, we went to the park for a walk, and they had some little horse drawn carriages that they drove around for you, so we rented one and he sang Italian love songs to me. It was very sweet.”

 “Oh, how nice,” Alice said before biting into a cannolo.

 “I hope you weren’t too lonely that night,” Monika apologized. “I was a little surprised when Feliciano asked me out, otherwise I would have let you know early enough so you could have planned something.” Alice finished her cannolo before answering her friend.

 “Actually, I wasn’t lonely at all,” she said, pausing for dramatic effect. “I ended up going out with Kiku.”

 “My brother?” Sakura nearly spat out her coffee. Alice giggled before leaning back in her chair to tell her friends about how her Valentine’s night had gone:

After locking the house, Alice wandered over to the park where she sat alone on a bench, watching all the other couples stride past her. She was in a sour mood - After many years of trying to get Ludwig Beilschmidt to notice her, he had chosen to date some Swiss girl instead. To make matters worse, she had planned to go out with her roommate, Monika, but she’d turned out to have plans with Feliciano. She was happy for them and didn’t want to ruin their night, so she had put on a cheerful show until they left the house. She sat with her chin propped up in her hands, and didn’t bother looking over when someone sat beside her on the bench.

 “Oh, Alice,” a soft, familiar voice said. “I didn’t notice it was you there. Are you waiting for someone?” Alice looked over and saw Sakura’s older brother sitting on the other end of the bench.

 “Hi, Kiku,” she said, less enthusiastically than usual. “No, I’m just sitting. You can stay.” She watched him from the corner of his eye, tapping at his phone, and then he got up as if to walk away, but hesitated.

 “Hey, Alice,” he asked, “I was just heading off to get some sushi. If you’re not doing anything, would you like to join me?”

 “Um, sure.” Alice decided that it would be okay, since she didn’t have anything better to do anyway.

 While they sat waiting for their order at the bar, Alice realized that she didn’t really know Kiku very well. He was shy and didn’t socialize much, so she didn’tknow any more about him than that he was older than Sakura.

 “So, where do you work, Kiku?” she asked.

 “I’m the quality manager at HetCorp,” he answered. Alice’s glazed eyes told him that his answer made her none the wiser. “It’s a software development company.”

 “Oh,” she answered. Great, she thought, I have absolutely no idea what to talk to this guy about. Kiku sensed that she was bored, so he tried to have a sense of humor about it.

 “It’s much more boring than it sounds,” he said, smiling. “I get to sit around all day and test the software for errors, and whether it's easy to use, among other things. I do some programming too, but mostly just debugging.”

 “It can’t be that bad if you still do it,” Alice pointed out. Kiku nodded.

 “What about you?”

 “I work at a hair salon,” Alice told him. “I finished a course the other day, so I’m now certified to do hair cuts and colouring. Small achievement, but it means a lot to me. I started out just washing hair, you know.” Kiku gave her a little applause while she sat up proudly.

 “Congratulations,” he said. “To be honest, I thought you would have gone into the culinary industry, like your siblings.”

 “Yeah,” Alice said. “Papa told me the same thing, but I like to be a little different. And doing hair makes me happy, especially when the customer is happy about the way they look. I helped out with a house call for a bride once, and it was just the greatest thing in the world for me to see her happy when we were all finished.”

 “That’s the only thing I wish I had at my job,” Kiku said, “the opportunity to see the client’s reaction to the product. I feel a little detached from them sometimes.” Alice nodded.

 “You know, Kiku,” she said, “I’m a little nervous about eating raw fish. I’ve never had sushi before.” Kiku laughed before explaining to her that sushi was completely safe, and he described what all the different kinds of sushi on the menu were made from.

They soon realised that they shared a common interest in food, and before they knew it, they had gabbed the night away. 

Alice sat up suddenly when the conversation had come to a pause.

"Oh my gosh," she exclaimed. "Wasn't this restaurant full when we got here?" Kiku looked around as well, and noticed that the restaurant was devoid of other diners. Just then a waiter walked up to them and politely informed them that the restaurant was about to close. They apologised for the trouble and asked for the bill. As he left to retrieve it, Alice fished around in her handbag for her purse.

"Please, allow me," Kiku offered, pulling out his card. After the bill had been paid, they left the restaurant, and Kiku walked Alice home.

"I hope I didn't bore you too much," Kiku apologised when they got to her door.

"Are you kidding?" Alice asked. "I had a lot of fun with you. We should get together and cook something sometime."

"For sure," Kiku agreed. "And I think you mentioned that you like anime as well. I have some DVDs we could watch, if you like."

"That would be great," Alice nodded. They loitered on her verandah awkwardly, and Alice thought she noticed Kiku's cheeks reddening a little. "Well, I guess I'll go in now," she said. "Good night, Kiku. Thanks alot."

"Aww," Monika crooned, nudging her friend as she smugly took another bite out of her cannolo. "Looks like somebody found a valentine after all."

"Well, I didn't exactly say that," Alice replied, smiling coyly. 

"What do you think, Sakura?" Monika jeered. "Could you tolerate Alice as a sister-in-law?" 

Sakura laughed nervously. "I dunno," she said, "I'd be worried that she and Kiku would eat me out of the house." As Monika continued teasing Alice, Sakura shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She was surprised to find that the idea of her older brother dating her best friend was a bit . . . disconcerting. She glanced up at the clock and was relieved to find that it was almost time for her to begin work. "Sorry, guys," she said, jumping out of her seat. "I've got to run."

"Oh, you're right," Monika said, gathering her things as well. "I'll give you a ride to the tea house. Are you good, Alice?"

"Yeah," Alice replied. "I'll just finish these and then head down to the salon. See you guys later."


“Aiya,” Yao Wang sighed, as he hurried to the back room of the Red Ribbon Tea House. Sakura Honda was standing in front of her locker, retrieving her personal items before leaving the restaurant for the day. “Sakura, hurry up and run out to your boyfriend,” Yao begged. “His music is so loud, I’m scared he’ll shake the place until it crumbles.” Sakura giggled, before slamming her locker closed and hurrying past her boss.


“I’ll see you tomorrow, Yao,” she called on her way out the door. As she left, she could hear the older Chinese man grumbling something about young people and their loud, vulgar music.


Sakura Honda opened the door and quickly slipped into the black sports car. Sitting in Alfred’s car was like traveling through another realm – the tinted windows were always rolled up to accommodate the blasting air conditioner, and there was always hip hop music blasting from the radio, the beat reverberating in the seats, in the very frame of the car, and even in Sakura’s heart.  By the time her body had adjusted to the car’s frigid and loud environment, emerging from it back into the real world gave her a feeling of disorientation. She was certain that she would eventually suffer a heart or hearing compromise from Alfred’s musical abuse, but it was a small price to pay for a few minutes alone with her beloved boyfriend.


Living by Kiku’s strict rules had always made romantic relationships improbable for Sakura; now that she was older and spending much less time under his wing, she was free to make more decisions for herself, and she had definitely decided that Alfred Jones was the man for her. She was as infatuated with his American culture as he was fascinated with her Japanese own, and they both adored food and video games. It was true that he was a bit loud, and tended to be unintentionally rude, but there were certain things about him that made the trade-off certainly worth it, like the charming way that he treated her, or the winning smile that he gave her when he gazed at her through his wire-rimmed glasses.


“You smell delicious, babe,” he said, just barely audible over the music. “What were you cooking today?”


“Different things,” she answered, “mostly fried stuff, so I guess the oily smell stuck to me.” Alfred leaned over and inhaled briefly, to see what exactly he was smelling. When he did so, she caught a whiff of his own sweaty aroma – not surprising, since he was dressed in his gym clothes.


“Smells like wontons,” he mused. He turned again to grin at her, his vivid blue eyes locking momentarily with her brown ones. “I’m already in the mood for dinner.” Sakura smiled back, blushing a little.


After a few minutes, they pulled up in front of the house that Sakura shared with Kiku.

“Thanks, Alfred,” Sakura said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.


“Sure,” he replied. “I’m gonna go home, freshen up, and then circle back for you. How much time do you need?” He looked over again and grinned at her. “Three hours?”


Sakura giggled. “One hour will be fine.” She squeezed Alfred’s hand before hopping out of the car, and running into the house.


One hour later, Sakura sat in the living room, waiting for Alfred’s return. Kiku was passing through the room, and stopped to eye her, sitting there primly in her little red dress.


“You look nice,” he said, his tone betraying curiosity.


“Thank you,” she smiled, blushing.


“Going out with Alfred again?” Kiku asked, with a slight edge creeping into his voice. Kiku and Alfred were quite good friends, but at Sakura’s insistence, Alfred had declined to tell Kiku about their relationship; however, Sakura was sure that he was beginning to catch on to things by now.


“Yes,” was all she said in reply.


“I see.” There was a pause as he continued to the doorway at the opposite end of the room. He stopped just before disappearing through the arch. “Enjoy yourself.”


There was something strange about Anya Arlovskaya. Her brother Vladislav couldn’t put his finger on when it had begun, or on what had caused it, but he was determined to find out what was causing her to be in such high spirits. It wasn’t that he didn’t like to see his older sister happy; it was just that due to his work schedule, he had been forced to leave her on her own for a few nights, and he was beginning to worry about what she had been up to.


He was sitting in the kitchen one evening, stirring his tea absentmindedly, while he thought it over. However, he was interrupted by the soft footfall of his sister creeping up to him.


“Everything alright, Slavoschka?” she asked with a smile. Vladislav looked up at her, staring keenly into her large violet eyes. Although they seemed bright and innocent, he knew that there was a secret lurking behind them, and he was determined to find out what it was.


“I’m alright,” was all he said. “What about you?”


“I’m fine. Dmitry is going to take me out for some ice cream. Would you like to come?” Vladislav shifted his gaze slightly, bringing his older brother into focus, from where he stood in the hallway, going through his wallet.


“No thanks,” he answered. “I’m a little tired. I think I’ll stay here.”


“Okay.” Anya seemed a little disappointed.


“Enjoy yourself,” Vladislav called, as his siblings disappeared through the front door. He waited until he thought that they had walked well enough away from the house, and then he made his way upstairs, abandoning the steaming cup of tea on the kitchen table.


With calm, even steps, he walked past his own bedroom door, and entered Anya’s room with an effortless turn of her doorknob. He stood in the doorway, inhaling the familiar mixture of his sister’s unique aroma and her favourite perfume, before venturing into the room. Beginning at her nightstand, he began to carefully comb through her things, making sure to replace everything exactly as he had found it. He didn’t find anything interesting until he got to her vanity table. Tucked into a corner of her jewelry box, he found the torn-off stub of a movie ticket; the date printed on it showed that she had seen the movie on Valentine’s night. Vladislav furrowed his brow while he studied it.


Dmitry and I were both working on Valentine’s night, he thought. Did Anya go to the movies alone? No, that’s highly unlikely. He sat on Anya’s chair, wondering who she might have gone to the movies with, when his eyes fell on an empty vase standing on the vanity. With a frown, he remembered the young man who had brought Anya flowers only a few weeks ago, whom he had forbidden Anya to see ever again. He wondered if she had seen a movie with him.


It seems likely, he realized. Anya didn’t usually disobey him, but she didn’t have any other friends that he knew of. Deciding that he needed some more information, he looked around for Anya’s cell phone, and realized that surprisingly, Anya had taken her phone out with her.


So she’s expecting calls, he noticed. Angrily, he got up and went to his own room, but not before carefully placing the ticket stub back into the jewelry box. He sat on his bed and opened his laptop, and hurried to log into Friendtalia, a popular social network. It had been such a long time since he had last used it, that the website took him through a number of painstaking security checks before he could access his account. Once he was in, he positioned his cursor over the search bar, then hesitated.


What did Anya say his name was? he wondered. After some brain-wracking, he typed B-E-R-V-A-L-T into the search engine. The website didn’t offer any suggestions, since Vladislav didn’t have many friends from Hetaburg connected with his account. Unfazed, Vladislav signed out, and then signed back in using Dmitry’s email address. He knew that Dmitry usually set his networks to remember his passwords, so he wasn’t surprised at the ease with which he was able to enter his account. After glancing over his newsfeed, he began again to type B-E-R into the search engine. Before he could continue, the name Berwald Oxenstierna popped up under “People You May Know”.


I wonder where he’s from? he wondered, looking at his surname. He clicked on the man’s icon, and was quickly redirected to his account. Unfortunately, he only shared a small amount of information publicly, but Vladislav could see that he was from Sweden, and worked at Hetakea, the local furniture and hardware store. His profile picture showed a tall blond man sitting in a fishing boat. He had eyes as blue as the water around him, framed by black spectacles, and he stared blankly at the camera while he gripped a fishing rod firmly. Without a second thought, Vladislav sent him a friend request. He leaned back against his bedstead, staring at Berwald’s profile picture. He tried to size up what kind of a man he was by the photograph, but it was difficult to do when he showed no expression.


He must be some kind of cold-hearted brute, Vladislav surmised. He was about to log off of the website, when a notification arrived, alerting him that Berwald had accepted “Dmitry’s” friend request. Vladislav quickly returned to the Swede’s wall, perusing his posts and photo albums, and snooping around on his friends’ pages as well. He spent a good hour or two on it, but he couldn’t come up with anything other than that he liked woodwork and glasscraft, and dogs. He didn’t seem to like taking pictures much, as most of his photos were of furniture that he had built or repaired in his own workshop. He didn’t post much either, but he had a friend by the name of Tino who seemed to post at least five times a day, and tagged Berwald in most of them. Satisfied with his search, Vladislav shut down the computer, making a mental note to check on Tino some time soon. His timing was perfect – as soon as he had closed the laptop, he heard the front door open and close, signaling that Dmitry and Anya had returned home. When Anya peeped into his room, she found Vladislav sitting on his bed, with the laptop on his lap.


“Slav?” she said, surprised to find him in the same clothes that she had left him in. “You haven’t showered yet.”


“No,” Vladislav answered. “I stopped to do some work and I lost track of the time.”


“Oh, you work yourself so hard sometimes,” Anya fussed, hurrying over to take the laptop off of him and put it down on the table, across the room.


“Well, I was just getting to bed now,” Vladislav shrugged, sliding off of the bed and heading to the bathroom.


“Alright. Have a good night, Slavoschka,” Anya smiled, leaving the room after him. She waltzed into her bedroom and flung herself onto the bed, not suspecting for a moment what her brother had been up to while she was gone.


“I had a really nice time tonight,” Sakura said while she fiddled with the clasp of her clutch. She was returning home from dinner, and Alfred had just pulled up to her house, but it was obvious that neither of them was intent on separating just then.


“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” Alfred replied. “That was the intent, you know.” He flashed that adorable smile at her, and she felt her heart flutter. “Aren’t you going inside?” Alfred asked.


“I will in a minute,” Sakura said. “Unless you want me to leave?” She grabbed the handle of the door and turned away in mock hurry. “Have a good night, then, Alfred.”


“Hey, wait!” Alfred said, grabbing hold of her hand. “I just didn’t want Kiku to worry.”


“Kiku is fine,” Sakura assured him, settling back into her seat. They sat quietly for a moment, gazing at each other and smiling awkwardly.


“I’m not sure if I’ve told you enough how beautiful you look tonight,” Alfred sighed. Sakura squirmed in her seat, blushing like a schoolgirl.


“Thank you,” she murmured. Her eyes darted away from his for a second, then looked back to find them just as intensely adoring. “I think I’m going to go inside now,” she relented, unable to hold her composure any longer under his flattering attentions.


“Okay.” They closed the gap between them for a lingering kiss, then Sakura pulled away and hurried to the door. When she got to the front door, she stopped to wave at Alfred one last time, then turned the key and entered the house. As she stepped in, she was greeted by the loud, jazzy strains of swing music. Quirking an eyebrow, she sauntered into the living room, curious as to what Kiku had been up to while she was out.


She didn’t find her brother in the living room, but there were a number of CDs from his personal collection strewn across the coffee table, as well as several cookbooks, some of them Japanese, and the others Italian.


He must have brought Feliciano over, she mused, eyeing the books.


 As she stood there, a delicious smell wafted towards her from the kitchen. She hurried there, the loud music concealing the pit-pat of her bare feet on the floor. Sakura stood in the doorway, about to enter the aromatic room, but stopped dead in her tracks when she realized who was there. A woman with auburn hair was standing at the stove, stirring something in a large pot.


“Shouldn’t it be thicker than this?” she was asking.


“Hmm, just a little,” Kiku replied. He stood behind her, making it obvious that he was a head shorter than she was. He stepped up closer to peer into the pot, coyly placing his hand in the indentation of her waist as he did so. Sakura’s eyes narrowed as the woman shuffled a bit closer to Kiku, emitting a high-pitched giggle – a giggle that was unmistakably Alice’s.


Hello,” Sakura called, her voice sounding more strained than she had intended.


“Oh, Sakura,” Kiku said, not seeming surprised in the least. “How was your date?”


“Fine. Hi, Alice.


“Hey, Saku-chan!” Alice grinned, calling Sakura by the nickname she sometimes used for her.


I wasn’t expecting you.” Her eyes fell to Alice’s waist, and it annoyed her that Kiku hadn’t removed his hand, even after noticing her there.


“After I realized that you were going to be out tonight, I thought I would spend the night with Alice, rather than by myself,” Kiku explained.


“We were making nikujaga,” Alice added. “Would you like some?”


“No thank you,” Sakura said hurriedly. “I just had dinner. I’m going upstairs.” Alice and Kiku turned back to the stove, satisfied with Sakura’s excuse. She hesitated before turning away, taking one last look at Kiku’s hand on Alice’s waist before hurrying up the stairs.


Sakura could tell when Alice had gone home, by the ceasing of the music downstairs. She stood in the doorway of her bedroom while Kiku made his way upstairs, waiting for him.


“Are you proud of yourself?” She called. Kiku stopped on his way to his room, and gazed at her sleepily. “I’m dating Alfred, okay?”


“I know that,” Kiku answered flatly.


“Then . . . you don’t have to do this anymore," Sakura said. "I get it: it’s awkward for your sibling to date your best friend.”


“I know that as well, but I don’t see your point,” Kiku shrugged as he began to turn away to his bedroom. Frustrated, Sakura stomped out of her doorway, and stood in his way, forcing him to listen to her.


“You don’t have to taunt me like this anymore, and you really didn’t have to get Alice involved.”


“Um, Sakura . . .” Kiku shifted his weight so that he was leaning against the wall of the hallway, and faced her squarely. “My seeing Alice has nothing to do with you and Alfred. Alice and I are only friends, anyway. And thank you for realizing that I was uncomfortable about you and Alfred. I was wondering when you were planning on telling me.” He stared hard at his sister, then walked past her into his room when she gave no answer.


“You know that she likes you, right?” Sakura blurted, just before he disappeared through the doorway. Kiku turned and looked at her. “I know that you do, too. It's obvious, both of you.” She frowned, recalling their proximity in the kitchen, and the way that they both seemed totally comfortable with Kiku's hand on Alice's waist.


“Probably,” was the only answer that Kiku cared to give. With that said, he closed the door, disappearing from Sakura's view for the rest of that night.


Victoria Kirkland rolled over in her bed, rubbed her eyes, and then reached over for her glasses from the nightstand. It was late in the afternoon, one day in early March. Despite the time, she was only just waking up, after working the graveyard shift at Hetaburg General Hospital the previous night. The smell of char wafting in under her closed door alerted her that she wasn’t alone at home. Without the slightest alarm, she pulled on her housecoat and trudged down the stairs. The smell was, to her, as mundane as the sounds of the voices of the home’s occupants; and like a voice, she knew exactly who was causing it.


“What are you burning now, love?” she yawned as she shuffled into the kitchen. Her younger brother, Arthur, was standing at the stove, staring at a tray of brittle black lumps. “Scones, were they?” she asked, peering over his shoulder. “It was nice of you to volunteer for dinner, but I already asked Ally to pick something up on his way home.”


“It wasn’t dinner,” Arthur sulked. “My mates were coming over and I wanted to make something for them to eat.”


“What time are they coming?” Victoria asked.


“Next two hours.”


“I’ll make something,” she offered, rolling up her sleeves as she headed to the sink.


“Will you?” Arthur beamed.


“I was going to get something to eat anyway. Go on out of the kitchen now,” she said, gesturing for him to leave so that she could have the full access of the kitchen to herself.


Victoria loved to cook, and had gotten a bit carried away with preparing snacks for Arthur’s friends. She had started out with just a platter of sandwiches, but after cleaning herself up and meeting the tray again on the kitchen table, she had decided that they looked a bit lonely by themselves. An hour later, she now had a full spread, including tea, cookies, and a frozen cake that she had recently bought on a whim.


“Are we having tea?” her youngest brother, Peter, asked, as he walked into the room.


“This is for Arthur and his friends,” Victoria replied, “but there’s a little in the kitchen for you.” Peter bounded away excitedly, and Victoria stood back to survey her good work.


Poor Arthur, she thought with a smirk. Whatever would you do without me? She hoped that Arthur’s friends would enjoy what she had prepared, when she realized that she didn’t really know his friends very well.


 At that moment, the doorbell rang, and Arthur sped down the stairs to greet his friends. Victoria heard them talking loudly at the door, and shyly made to escape into the kitchen, when Arthur called her over to meet them. When she got to the door, she found two young men standing there, one of them much taller than the other.


“Victoria, you’ve met Lukas before,” Arthur said. It was true – she had met him once, briefly. He wasn’t very tall, and had light blond hair that waved and curled at the ends.


“It’s nice to see you again, Victoria,” he said, offering a slight smile. Victoria smiled back, thinking that she had always liked his Norwegian accent.


“This is my new friend, Vladimir,” Arthur explained, gesturing towards the taller man. “Vladimir, this is my older sister, Victoria.” Despite his height, Vladimir’s posture made him seem very quiet and humble, as he stood silently with his hands folded in front of him. His hair was also blond, but it had more of a reddish tint to it. Victoria expected him to have a loud, booming voice, but it was quite soft, with a gentle accent.


“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Victoria,” Vladimir said, taking hold of her hand tenderly. “Arthur has told me so much about you.” He raised her hand slightly as he bent and kissed her knuckles, causing her to become flustered.


“Has he, now?” she asked, blushing furiously.


“That’s enough, Vlad,” Lukas joked, slapping his friend’s shoulder. “Don’t flirt with your hostess, now.” Vladimir smiled and released Victoria, but his eyes lingered on hers before breaking contact.


“Well, lads, let’s go in then,” Arthur said. Victoria stepped aside so that they could enter, and she noticed that Lukas was carrying a small camcorder with him.


“Good heavens, Tori!” Arthur exclaimed when he saw the elaborate spread waiting for them on the coffee table. “You cooked up quite a storm for us!”


“Oh, well, I wasn’t sure how much you would need,” Victoria explained.


“Thank you,” Lukas said. “It won’t be wasted at all.”


“Well, since you’re all comfortable, I’ll be busying myself elsewhere,” Victoria said, nodding to them dismissively.


“Oh, but won’t you stay?” Arthur asked. His sister looked at him, and his pleading pout reminded her of a child who wanted his elder sibling to play with him. “We were going to watch the footage from Valentine’s night.”


Victoria’s face fell. “From your ghost hunt?”


“Yes, it’s quite exciting!”


“Well . . . alright.” She seated herself between Arthur and Vladimir, more out of curiosity than anything else. While Lukas set up the video, she studied Arthur’s new friend out of the corner of her eye. He seemed to have a quiet personality, and he was very polite, but there was something unsettling about his looks. Apart from his height, which was only emphasized by his two shorter friends, he was very pale, and when he grinned in response to a comment made by Arthur, his lips parted to reveal two unnaturally long canines. In addition, his demeanour was quite cold and aloof – while he sat with his hands folded under his chin, he gazed at Lukas with piercing red eyes, and his posture was closed - crouching as his elbows rested on his knees - as if he didn’t want to be bothered. In Victoria’s opinion, he seemed a bit creepy; in fact, his whole appearance reminded her of a Vampire.


While she was pondering the uncanny resemblance, Lukas finally got the camcorder set up, and began the video. Although the three men were getting quite excited about the footage, Victoria couldn’t get very much from it. It had been filmed with an infrared camera, so the colours and images seemed distorted, and it took her a while to register what she was seeing. When she finally could see properly, she didn’t see anything worth getting very worked up about.


“What did you think of the video?” Arthur asked, turning to her when it was over.


“Love, I don’t want to disappoint you, but I didn’t see anything hinting at ghosts on that video,” Victoria said. The three men frowned in confusion. “All that I saw was you three messing about in an old house.”


“What are you talking about?” Arthur asked. “Didn’t you see the heat appearing in otherwise empty parts of the room? Or those things falling over on their own?”


“It’s an old house,” Victoria repeated. “Things will fall over. You’re all lucky that the roof didn’t fall in on you. And why would a ghost give off heat if it doesn’t have a body?”


“Why do you always have to be so skeptical?” Arthur cried. “The answer to that question is simple enough -“


“Ghosts are like people,” Vladimir quipped. “They choose to reveal themselves in different ways. If you’re interested in seeing some more active ghosts, I have some video of very aggressive poltergeists from back home in Romania.”

“No, thank you, dear,” Victoria said, standing from her seat. “I think I’ve had quite enough paranormal video for today.” After straightening her skirt, she stepped out of the room, while Arthur grumbled angrily on the couch.


Later that evening, Arthur was sitting alone in his room, when there was a knock on the door. He looked away from his laptop to answer it.


“Come in,” he called. Victoria peered into the room before stepping in and sitting on the bed beside him.


“What are you doing?” she asked.


“I’m just uploading the video from Valentine’s night to my social network,” he answered. Victoria peeped over his shoulder and studied the banner at the top of the website, which broadcasted that it was a social network for enthusiasts of the supernatural and paranormal.


“Can I interrupt you for just a second to ask you something?” she asked. Arthur turned to her curiously. “Your friend Vladimir – is he quite alright?”


“What do you mean?”


“He just seems a little odd . . .”


Arthur laughed at Victoria’s confused expression. “Vladimir is alright. He’s just a little shy around strangers. He’s much more relaxed once you get to know him.”


“Are his teeth real? I mean, did he have them altered to look that way?” Victoria continued.


“Yes, of course, they're real!” Arthur said. “They are strange, though, aren't they? We like to call him Dracula between ourselves.”


“He does certainly resemble him,” Victoria muttered.


“So why are you so interested?” Arthur prodded. “Would you like to get to know more about him? Want me to arrange a date, maybe?”


“No, thank you,” Victoria replied, taking that as her cue to leave. “I just had a few questions. You’ve told me all that I wanted to know.” She turned abruptly and left the room, while her younger brother smiled coyly at her back.


Dmitry sauntered into Hetakea one morning, wearing his plumbers’ coveralls. The morning was still young, so he was feeling quite sleepy, and had decided to begin the day by taking care of some errands in order to get his blood pumping. He was drowsily gazing at some pipe fittings when Berwald rounded a corner, and paused near him.


“Ah, Bratishka,” Dmitry called, beckoning to him. “Maybe you can help me choose a fitting.” Dmitry visited Hetakea for supplies often, so he and Berwald had always been cordial to each other, but since Dmitry had discovered that Berwald was fond of his little sister, he had taken to referring to him by the Russian word for “little brother”. Berwald walked over silently. He usually worked in the furniture department, but he knew enough about hardware to help out now and again.


The two men went through the extensive variety of fittings on display, but were unable to find the size that Dmitry wanted.


“Sorry about that,” Berwald said. “We’re s’posed to have a shipment comin’ in this afternoon. I’ll keep an eye out for anything that might be useful to you.”


“Okay,” Dmitry replied. “I’ll just check back tomorrow then.”


“Don’t bother,” Berwald answered. “If I see anything I’ll send you a message on Friendtalia.”


“Friendtalia?” Dmitry looked up from where he was crouched near the bottom shelf, examining a few of the fittings. “I don’t think we’re friends on there.”


“You added me the other night.”


“Did I?” Dmitry stood up and scratched his head. “You know, I’m so forgetful, I probably did and then forgot all about it. Anyway, since you're there, you should try to encourage Anya to join too.”


“Yeah, I’ll work on that.”


“Okay, well thanks a lot for your help, Bratishka. I’ll look out for your message,” Dmitry said, as he left the store.

When he had gotten into the seat of his second-hand jeep, he paused before activating the ignition, wondering when he had really sent that friend request to Berwald. To his best remembrance, he hadn't logged into Friendtalia for at least a week. After some thought, he shrugged and started the car; it wasn't unlike him to forget things like that, partly due to the fact that he was half-drunk most nights. He decided to log in to the website later that night, and see what else he had done and forgotten about.

Man, what did I do? Cry forever  I don't feel very good about this, maybe because I haven't written like this in a while. I had a serious block while writing this chapter, still do to some extent, but it's leaving slowly. I guess I'm stressed out.

Anyway, here's the seventh chapter of Suburbitalia, a follow-up to the Valentine's episode. I hope that you all enjoy it.

Please stay tuned for episode 8, which features some more of the expecting parents, Elisaveta (Liz) and Roderich, more Anya X Berwald, more Alice X Kiku, and a return from one character that we haven't heard from in a while.

Hetalia (c) :iconhimaruyaplz:
Suburbitalia (c) :iconimariposa: & :iconkreatyvkamz17:

Germany (Disappointed) [V2]  Italy (Thumbs Up) [V2] Kiku Honda -Japan- Answers [Hetalia Axis Power]  Russia (Says Hi) [V2]  Belarus (Intro) [V7] America (The Hero) [V2]  China (Explaining) [V2]  Sweden (Intro) [V6] Finland (Intro) [V7]  NO WAY NORWAY. Sealand (Watching) [V3] 

Monika Beilschmidt: Nyo! Germany
Sakura Honda: Nyo! Japan
Kiku Honda: Japan
Alice Vargas: Nyo! N. Italy
Feliciano Vargas: N. Italy
Alfred Jones: America
Yao Wang: China
Vladislav Arlovski: Nyo! Belarus
Anya Arlovskaya: Nyo! Russia
Dmitry Arlovski: Nyo! Ukraine
Berwald Oxenstierna: Sweden
Tino Vainamoinen: Finland
Lukas Bondevik: Norway
Vladimir Popescu: Romania
Victoria Kirkland: Nyo! Britain
Peter Kirkland: Sealand
Arthur Kirkland: Britain
Alistair "Ally" Kirkland: Scotland

Next episode: coming soon
Last episode:
Character information:

Please comment, fave, and save me from writers's block! RUNSIES 

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Caleyna's avatar
I really enjoyed this chapter. :happybounce: Youre writing style is pretty good and this story is always so varied and offers something new with every chapter you upload. My favorite part was the part with the Arlovskis. You said that you are suffering from a writers block, but it isn´t noticeael at all. 

I´m eager to read more and hope you have a nice day!